Dioscorea polystachya - Ichoimo Form - 5 bulbils

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Icho-imo is a variety of Dioscorea polystachya with tubers that fan out resembling the shape of a ginko leaf.  Dioscorea polystachya roots usually grow straight down and deep into the soil, along with their brittle roots it can be a lot of work to harvest the tubers, requiring the excavation of a large hole.  Ichoimo varieties makes harvest much easier.  Often these alternative tuber forms do not produce many bulbils. This is a selection grown specificly for the edible tuber.  Bulbils are clones, making them a great way to propagate these plants.  


5 bulbils in each 'seed' pack

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Product Overview

LATIN: Dioscorea polystachya aka Dioscorea opposita aka Dioscorea batatas


PLANTING: Store bulbils at room temperature until ready for planting. Plant in spring as you would a seed, in pots or directly into the ground.  Unlike a seed, they are clones, producing genetically identical plants. Provide a trellis.

EDIBILITY: In chinese medicine the tubers are a longevity tonic named Shan Yao.


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